About Our Team
Holly Carroccio, CFP®
Managing Partner & Financial Advisor
Wealth should be described as the sum of things that make up a well lived life: love and respect, sense of purpose, freedom of thought, service beyond self, legacy, health, material things. In over thirty years as a financial professional, Holly Carroccio has recognized repeatedly that those deeper needs are less difficult to achieve when undergirded by a sturdy financial base.
Her initiation began early. Holly’s entrepreneurial father started his home building and real estate development business when she was in elementary school. As she observed him over the years, she absorbed a lot about the business owner’s heart and mind—the value of setting goals, staying focused, and managing cash for growth.
Because of her dad’s complete dedication to his business when she was young, and due to her parents’ divorce when Holly was 5, she formed a close relationship to her stay-at-home mom. She watched as her mom scrambled to build a career and recover financially as a single parent.
Admiration for dad’s passion and focus for business, tempered by her mom’s courageous financial recovery inspired Holly to a career advising families, business owners and divorced women. She was invigorated with a vision to help build strong financial lives.
Holly paid for much of her finance degree from SMU, another character-building pursuit. Working part-time for small businesses while studying their management in the classroom paired for a practical career launch. Today Holly supports small businesses, families and individuals toward achieving their financial goals. She has built a team of dedicated professionals with varied skills and knowledge to present a full range of customized services.
